The National Girls Lacrosse League is a league for girls grades five through eight. There are eleven regions that span all over the United States to include any club team that would like to join the NGLL.


How to Join

  • Go to and register your teams for your regional play.

  • For any questions related to your particular region please contact Amanda Kammes, Director Midwest NGLL HERE.

  • For any questions on a national level please direct them to Mike Lynch at

  • Registration for NGLL Midwest will close on March 15th, 2020

  • NGLL Midwest Dates 2020:

    • April 19th- Regional Dates in Indianapolis and Cleveland

    • April 26th- Chicago, IL

    • May 3rd- Midwest Championships- South Bend, IN



Each region will have their own set of fees for local play based off of facility costs, officiating costs, and other local fees that affect each region differently.

Membership Fee

NGLL Midwest $1700/team
$18 / year/ per player

Fee enables all players full access to all of the deals and discounts afforded to NGLL plus access to the national web site.

NGLL National Championships
(mandatory for all NGLL teams who win their local region)
$1600 / team

NGLL Festival
$1600 / team


How the League Works

Each region operates a league within its geographic boundaries with local play facilitated by the regional directors. The league consists of five grade level classifications. For example, for the 2019 season there will be age group divisions offered for teams in the high school graduation classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027. A region may offer local play for younger age groups, although their will not be opportunities for the national championship tournament for teams younger than fourth grade.


  • Any club can enter NGLL in their local region. The only stipulation is that the club must enter at least two teams into NGLL from different age groups. As an example, a club can enter a 2024 team and a 2026 team and be eligible.

  • A team may have a mixed age group team, but they must compete in the age group of the oldest player. So, if a club has a 2024/25 combination team, then they must compete in the 2024 bracket. At no point may a player play down an age bracket.

  • All teams must be in good standing with payments to NGLL in order to play before the season or event begins.

  • All players must have registered and signed the national waiver.

The National Championship Tournament

Date: Memorial Day Weekend, 2020
Location: Baltimore, MD

Each region will send their champions from their local league play to the National Championship Tournament. This is mandatory for each region to send their winners. The National Championship Tournament will be held wherever the NCAA Women’s Lacrosse Championships are held. For 2019, the championships will be held in Baltimore on Memorial Day Weekend. The championships will have five different age brackets and also A and B level divisions for each age bracket. So there will be ten overall champions awarded. As an example, for the 2019 season the champions would be as follows: 2024 A, 2024 B, 2025 A, 2025 B, 2026 A, 2026 B, 2027 A, 2027 B.

* The schedule for the NGLL National Tournament will work around the NCAA tournament schedule so that the NGLL players can attend the NCAA games. NGLL members will get discounted ticket packages to the games.


The NGLL Festival

Date: Memorial Day Weekend, 2020
Location: Baltimore, MD

For those teams who do not win their local championship, there is still an opportunity to play and take advantage of all of the deals for the Memorial Day Weekend and the NCAA Championships. This is an option for all NGLL teams. Due to quick turnaround times of league play and the national championships, parents and players can plan to be at the National Championships regardless of their NGLL team’s outcome months in advance. This will help with plane tickets and hotel reservations. The NGLL Festival will be a play-day format for all teams that did not win the championship in their local region. These teams will be matched up in a round robin style of play against teams who are from different regions of the country. All festival players will receive the same benefits such as discounts on NCAA tickets as the championship players.


Georgia (Includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
Long Island
MidAtlantic (Maryland)
New England
New Jersey
Upstate New York

Inside Lacrosse Partnership

  • Inside Lacrosse will provide live streaming and media of all national championship games.

  • IL will also provide media coverage for each of the regional championship games.

  • IL is writing an article on the NGLL in the November/December Issues of the magazine.

  • Each NGLL participant gets a free on-line subscription as part of their NGLL membership.

  • IL and the NCAA will provide discounted tickets to the NCAA women’s Final Four Weekend to all NGLL participants.