Select a Location to Register for League Play
Due to COVID challenges & restrictions, we have consolidated our locations for the fall season. IGLA Pink is now running out of Oak Brook & Chicago.
Per Governor Pritzker’s mandates, game play is not permitted but we will be supplementing weekend games with Laxapalooza, a festival-like, 4 week clinic series. All Laxapalooza dates will be held at our Oak Brook Park District fields. Each clinic will have a different theme and a fun atmosphere with games, prizes, drills and lots of learning to keep these players outside, engaged and having fun in a safe environment.
Sept 27- Rules playday
Oct 3- High School Clinic
Oct 11- Combine/ field day
Oct 18- College Coach clinic
Please select the location closest to where you live for more specific information on the Fall options near you!
Includes towns of Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Lisle, Warrenville, Winfield, Naperville, Downers Grove, Addison and surrounding towns